Round Stokes Croft

Stokes Croft long ago became a bit of a Dean Lane, pointless keeping on top of with a blog, because it all changes so fast. It’s slowed down a bit recently though, and it’s been a while, so time for a bit of a snapshot as of the last week.

These boards next to the Junction are still getting some good work on them, will be a shame to see them go once the development behind them (where Mary’s shop was) finishes. Would hazard to put a name on them, but after last time, anyone want to confirm?

boards next to junction

Above that, this piece will be passing some people by at the moment, but should look great once the scaffolding’s down. 3Dom and Voyder if memory serves.

3dom hidden long shot

Here’s a bit of a closer one.

3dom hidden close up

The Kai et al Limited Press piece looks pretty much done now. Nice big advert for them on a main road. Shame about the scaffolding still obscuring it, guess it’s a security thing?

kai limited press piece

Further up, these boards have needed redoing for a while, especially now a bit of boards been turned round or replace on them. Someone’s done a quick character on the gap recently though, shouldn’t think it will take long for them to get redone fully.

KTF board with quick character

Interesting in a way, Stokes Croft is doing really well as a result of all the work that’s being ut up around it, yet a lot of it depends on the place being run down and shops covered with boards. If the project carries on working and getting more people and businesses coming back to the area, then it will start destroying its own space for pieces and productions. It risks being a literal victim of its own success.

Incidentally, one other thing that’s gone up round the place recently are police/community safety signs warning people about CCTV, violence, and arrest amongst other things.

Photo: PRSC

Hardly cheery messages for an area that’s trying to improve its reputation as a nice place to visit right now, and according to PRSC they were put up without community consultation. Apparently a local councillor, Jon Rogers, is already on the case, but if you want to see them taken down too, it wouldn’t hurt to email him on AT


Filed under 3Dom, Bristol, Kaione, KTF, Voyder

7 responses to “Round Stokes Croft

  1. I thought exactly the same thing about the boarded up shops and the amount of ‘graffiti real estate’ that is available due to the shops being effectively derelict as I drove through the other night. I agree that SC needs to be developed with the attitudes and sensibilities of the residents and supporters of this unique place kept in mind but to maintain the level of painting there also demands that the place is not developed at the expense of ‘wall space’ either. Not an easy one.

    The 3dom & Voyder production looks the business – good to see time consuming, high quality pieces go up there as well as the old school type graf of Paris et al.

  2. a non y mouse

    the top piece is by the “too big too be human” legend PETRO – down from londinium for a stint and a show (nov @ friend & co) in Brizla…

    • bristolgraffiti

      Cheers man, thought exactly the same, but after missing it last time, thought it “Better to keep your mouth closed and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt”. Ta!

  3. zoe

    Where is the best place to buy cans of paint in bristol?

  4. From ‘Dutty Shop’ right on Stokes Croft where Ashley Road meets – its looks like an unassuming ladies clothes store but they sell MTN94 and Belton at the back. Bristol Fine Art on Park Row have a small selection of MTN94.

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